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Software QA & Testing

Testing is a strategic priority

Using a combination of manual and automated testing in combination with Elsun's Agile Testing, Elsun provides our clients with the software QA and testing services to ensure your software meets and exceeds your customer’s expectations.


Cutting corners on testing software presents significant business risks, such as losing customers to impacting your brand´s reputation. Software QA & testing services have become critical to organizations because of the importance of software in every business.


An organization can be at great risk due to a software glitch that could have be prevented with effective testing—all you need to do is hire a software testing firm.


Elsun provides software testing services to companies, helping ensure that software is up to the mark and meets customer expectations!

To achieve this, Elsun employs top software engineers who have a passion for testing and provides QA-specific training and a fertile environment for our QA team to grow and develop their expertise.

Modern applications require new approaches to testing. We have what it takes to make the difference! 

Our Software QA & Testing solutions Include: 

  • Functional or Manual Testing: Regression, Smoke, Risk- Based Test, Exploratory, Web & Devices.

  • Automation.

  • User Interface (UI): GUI, usability, navigability, cross browser.

  • Load testing.

  • API testing.

  • Acceptance testing.

  • Performance: load, stress, concurrence & performance.

  • Installation & configuration.

  • Security.

  • Unit testing & continuous integration.

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